
What is 82/37 as a percent?

Accepted Solution

Solution: 82/37 as a percent is 221.622% Methods Method 1 – Converting 82/37 Into a Percentage: First, let’s go over what a fraction represents. The number above the line is called the numerator, while the number below the line is called the denominator. The fraction shows how many portions of the number there are, in relation to how many would make up the whole. For instance, in the fraction 82/37, we could say that the value is 82 portions, out of a possible 37 portions to make up the whole. For percentages, the difference is that we want to know how many portions there are if there are 100 portions possible. “Percent” means “per hundred”. For example, if we look at the percentage 25%, that means we have 25 portions of the possible 100 portions. Re-writing this in fraction form, we see 25/100. The first step in converting a fraction to a percentage is to adjust the fraction so that the denominator is 100. To do this, you first divide 100 by the denominator: 100 37 = 2.703 \frac{100}{37} = 2.703 37 100 ​ = 2.703 We can then adjust the whole fraction using this number, like so: 82 ∗ 2.703 37 ∗ 2.703 = 221.622 100 \frac{82*2.703}{37*2.703} = \frac{221.622}{100} 37 ∗ 2.703 82 ∗ 2.703 ​ = 100 221.622 ​ Reading this as a fraction, we can say that we have 221.622 portions of a possible 100 portions. Re-writing this as a percentage, we can see that 82/37 as a percentage is 221.622% Method 2 – Converting 82/37 Into a Percentage Using Decimals: Another way we can convert 82/37 into a percentage is to first convert 82/37 into a decimal. We can do this by simply dividing the numerator by the denominator: 82 37 = 2.216 \frac{82}{37} = 2.216 37 82 ​ = 2.216 Once we have the answer, we can multiply the new decimal by 100 to get the percentage: 2.216 × 100 = 221.622 As you can see, we get the same answer as the first method and find that 82/37 as a percentage is 221.622%. Now you know of two different ways to convert 82/37 into a percentage! While converting using a decimal takes fewer steps, you first need to master converting fractions into decimals. Try out both methods and see which one works best for you! Practice more percentage problems! Practice makes perfect so why not check out some of other problems where you can convert a fraction to a percentage? What is 14/56 as a percent? What is 50/64 as a percent? What is 78/92 as a percent? What is 76/37 as a percent? What is 49/43 as a percent?